Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Since the security wall has been very effective in stopping the number of suicide bombers, Palestinian terrorists still look for ways to murder innocent civilian Israeli citizens. Some use automatic weapons to murder high school students as was seen a couple of months ago. Today, one used what is described as a bulldozer but it is a front-end loader. The Palestinian drove down Jaffe Street in Jerusalem and used the blades on the front-end loader to cut through cars, vans, and to knock down a public bus. So far, three are reported killed and 40-50 wounded. The Palestinian was shot after he was confronted on the front-end loader and instead of stopping, he accelerated.

This toddler is one of the people he was trying to murder:

Solomonia reports:

Among his innocent victims is an infant, who was injured in the attack and taken to hospital. Eyewitnesses told police that the murdered mother saved her baby, by throwing the child out the car window, just before the bulldozer crushed her to death.

Solomonia has more photos of this latest, heinous terrorist attack.

Jameel at theMuqata gives a first hand account of the aftermath of this latest, murderous, terrorist attack. He works with Magen David Adom.

Our Magen David Adom beepers went off simultaneously, announcing "ARAN, ARAN, ARAN" -- mass casulty attack in Jerusalem, near Yaffo street and Sarei Yisrael street. Flying low, we honked our way through traffic (most cars even go out of the way for us) as the Hatzala radio mentioned 2, maybe 3 different attack locations (many cars had been smashed, each with victims in it), plus buses...

I parked illegally on the sidewalk near the Israel Broadcasting Agency in Romema, putting my MDA sign on my car's dashboard, threw on my emergency vest, grabbed my gear and ran.

I waved to the security guard of the IBA, so he knew the car was "friendly" and he wouldn't try to tow it...ticket it...or have it blown up by police sappers.

Running down the street, towards the sires, the fire trucks, and the crowd, we passed smashed cars. Curious onlookers ran towards the scene, some were quietly on the sides of the street, others running away in panic -- and police and medical teams converged on Yaffo street.

Ducking under the crime scene tape, we ran towards the ambulances, and started helping treat the wounded and load them onto ambulances.

One woman cried and moaned, as we placed her into an ambulance, as someone (no idea if it was a relative, friend, or just someone helping out) held the injured woman's crying toddler. The ambulance sped off, and we looked for more people to help.

There is no justification for terror attacks. The terrorists target civilians. They want to murder as many people as they can and when their evil plots succeed, families must pick up the pieces after losing loved ones or help loved ones live through months/years of medical treatment. This evil cannot ever be justified.

Israellycool is updating in his usual, superb manner.

Lawhawk has a good round-up and notes the usual media distortions on this latest terror attack.

You can tell a lot about a person and in some cases, a population, by who is held up as heros. The Palestinian Authority wanted to "honor" a female suicide bomber with its highest award. I'm sure this latest Palestinian terrorist will soon have his picture enlarged and venerated as are the suicide bombers' photos. This evil person will be "honored" by his society and his people.

And the Israelis will bury their dead and treat their wounded. The off-duty soldier, Moshe Klessner, 18, who stopped the terrorist from bulldozing more lives is the hero.

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