Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gustav: Controlled Panic

There is a controlled panic along the Mississippi Gulf Coast today. Small wonder, that little track takes it into my hometown. Gustav maybe 5 days away but tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. We are getting ready. Our public officials are getting the word out and as Gustav gets closer and it becomes more apparent that the Mississippi Gulf Coast is still under the cone of being hit, MEMA(Mississippi Emergency Management Agency) has plans in place to evacuate those left in FEMA trailer parks and those who do not have transportation. We'll get a recorded message from Governor Haley Barbour alerting us to be aware. Local officials will open shelters and the call for evacuations will be given in a timely manner. In short, the people of Mississippi and its officials are prepared if Gustav comes knocking on Labor Day. It doesn't help matters when I read things like this.

Gustav was weakened when it it Haiti. Five people lost their lives. Mississippi is and will be preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.


Gail said...

You and your neighbors are in my thoughts, Shira. Stay dry and stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.