Monday, September 29, 2008

At the Head of the Year

Sundown on Monday marks the beginning of Rosh HaShanah, the head of the year. It begins a new year on the Jewish calendar. During the month of Elul, we are asked to pray selichot and to ask forgiveness of those we have wronged. One cannot stand before HaShem and ask His forgiveness until our wrongs of others has been corrected.

I ask the forgiveness of those in Louisiana whom I've maligned in various posts throughout the year. I also ask forgiveness from those who I may have hurt by words I've posted. My family, friends, and co-workers I have asked for forgiveness in private.

Soccer Dad posted the following video:

I ask forgiveness for ignoring those who are dying by thousands in Darfur and other places across the world. The end of the film gives the hope of redemption through acts of prayer, repentance, and charity. May all merit a year of tranquility and prosperity.

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