Thursday, November 15, 2007

Making Aliya

This past Saturday at Shabbat morning services, I made my first aliya. While standing there with the Torah reader, the gabbai, and the person who said the birkhot before me, I experienced what it means to be the guardian of the Torah.

I touched the Torah scrolls with my tallis and bring the tallis to my lips. I say the blessings thanking HaShem for giving us the Torah. I listen as the Torah portion is read and know the gabbai and everyone in the congregation follows closely to ensure it is read correctly.

The words on the scroll jump at me. And I feel humbleness in knowing this has been the way for thousands of years. I catch a glimpse of what l'dor v'dor means. And it us up to each of each to continue.

I say the final blessing and the rabbi, who had been our previous student rabbi and was here with a group of students to help in Katrina relief, asked if this was my first aliya. I say yes and a song of celebration is sung.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Yasher koach, Shira. How wonderful and inspiring to read.