Friday, May 30, 2008

From Your Point of View

Since Hurricane Katrina, I've tried to let you know what it is like to live in a place that has seen unimaginable destruction. I've tried to relate the feelings of isolation I and many others here had in the immediate days after Hurricane Katrina when there was no reliable communication to the outside world.

I want to know your perceptions. A few months ago, while conversing with someone, I found out that the gas shortages extended all the way to Georgia.

I hope you will share your thoughts and feelings as you watched the coverage about Hurricane Katrina. It must have made an impression on so many. There are so many, even after 2 1/2 years, that are willing to give up a weeks time to volunteer and help us rebuild our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The world is now so instant but the lens is not that clear. Our news really showed only New Orleans drowning as it happened and even of that city may of us have little idea.

The idea of an entire city swallowed by water was shocking to me. More so the callousness of which it appeared other US citizens displayed about it. I'm glad you've showed to other side of that.

But I knew this was quite a hurricane and I knew it would have swept hard and farther just New Orleans. No images no news just an assumption. It's your site which made the wider devastation verified for me.